Meredith uses systems thinking and learning organisation tools in her consulting and offers new ways to learn and lead in challenging times. As a consultant and facilitator, she enjoys the variety and challenge of working on a wide range of projects and in varying roles. Roles have included contracting to develop leadership capability, partnering on a range of change initiatives, action learning, and leadership development.
Meredith is lively and creative and can be relied upon to have new and interesting resources to share. Her clients value the long term trusting relationship they develop with her and often use her skills for different projects. Meredith is good at translating complex ideas into collaborative processes and achievable actions. She has had a long association with the learning organisation and systems thinking community based in Boston.
She has been a consultant for 19 years in both Tall Poppies and Thought Partners. Prior to becoming a consultant, Meredith was a public service manager and leader at local and national levels in the social service sector. Meredith was on the Board of Advisors for ten years of AIESEC NZ, an international student organisation. Her other board work has included NZ Businesses for Social Responsibility (NZBSR) and the Sustainable Business Network (SBN).