Trish is an expert facilitator of partnering, planning and change. She designs fresh ways for large or small groups to work effectively on their complex challenges or opportunities. Developing leaders and teams to turn strategies into results and to reshape performance are at the heart of what she does. Her projects include partnerships that get results; teams who plan, act and learn together; organisational cultures that are fit for the future; and leaders who draw out the best from others.
Clients value the trust and strong connection she builds with a wide diversity of people. She quickly understands and aligns with the organisation's big picture, and then designs and facilitates innovative ways for people to collaborate and keep focused on the results.
Twenty years of consulting, leading and governance roles means Trish brings a breadth and depth of knowledge, networks and wisdom to her clients. Her career experience spans being a leader in this medium sized business, co-leading 100 staff in the secretariat of a Royal Commission, innovating in a social service agency, tertiary teaching and research, chairing the board of a dance company and governance roles in several not for profit organisations and a philanthropic trust.
Trish has an international accreditation in brokering partnerships with the public, private and community sectors. For ten years, she has been a global mentor and trainer on this well-respected international programme: Partnership Accreditation Scheme. Trish works in New Zealand and Australia building partnership capability and facilitating partners through milestones. Trish assists organisations to align, implement and evaluate their corporate citizenship practices and stakeholder engagement.